Hello fellas, glad to see you again. I have came back to bandung again. I thought it was a traipse because it took 8 hours from jogja to bandung by train, how lucky you were when you could sleep along a trip but I wasn't, all I can do was listening music although you would listening the same music repeatedly, it would make you were bored surely. I rarely made a platitude with other people. Haha. When I were on the way to bandung, ari fired off some messages to me that he asked me to go to padalarang. I just know about stone garden there. Stone garden is one of tourist site in padalarang that offers rocky hill and trees. We were graduated from geological engineering, we have spent for 4 years to describe about rocks. We thought that our trip more than just a holiday. Haha. Ari and fajri took a final assignment about limestone, so they were my guider in this trip because I didn't know about limestone deeply. Haha. honestly, Students rarely took about limestone as their final assignment because it's more complicated than sandstone. But, nothing impossible as long as you want to learn, like people said that practice makes perfect. Haha. I arrived in bandung at 5 am, we have made an appointment at 7 am but fajri didn't wake up yet. So we embarked our trip at 11 am. we went there by bike, fajri led us there. We went there through ciamis and padalarang, it took 3 hours from bandung because of jammed and it was raining so we have to take shelter in alfama**. finally, we arrived in first stop site. This was a special article, because ari would be contributing in my blog. check this out fellas......
Outcrops Overview of Rajamandala Limestone:
World Class Outcrops in West Java
Written by: Ari Wibowo
Observation team: Fajri, Sahid, Waladun.
Rajamandala Formation, as one of the oldest limestone outcrops in Java Island, has a good reef succession
record that contains numerous building organisms and inherent mineralogy. Many studies are conducted
related to sedimentology & stratigraphy, structural evolution, diagenesis development and moreover on
geotourism point of view. A number of geologist thinks that it can be used as a guide to distribute analogue in subsurface prolific carbonate reservoirs. In addition, a beautiful Rajamandala karst land form could be
considered as one of the best national geopark. It is worth it if some references called it as world class
limestone outcrop. So, let’s we discuss more about Rajamandala Formation that well exposed on following
locations below.
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Figure 1. Distribution of Rajamandala Fm. shown on pink colour (Sujatmiko, 2003).
Gunung Manik Outcrop
The outcrop is located at steeply sloping limestone canyon. It shows a good structural geological feature
which is normal right slip fault with almost vertically fault plane. This fault belongs to stratigraphic contact
between Rajamandala unit toward Citarum sandstone. Fault breccia features are well recorded as a prove
of deformation’s product. Coralline framestone facies appear dominantly which represent building reef’s part.
The outcrop belongs to core reef part consist of coral and algae aragonitic that got dissolution easily into
fractures which recorded on the rock. Those fractures could be infilled by hydrocarbon if they were present
(?). On bird view, we can observed the development of numerous pore system as result from dissolution,
namely caves. In addition, Gunung manik outcrop is also often used for climbing sport because of its huge
size and firm as a hard limestone.
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Figure 2. Gunung Manik outcrop view; (a) a normal right slip fault feature (b) fault breccia zone
(c) coralline framestone facies
Gunung Masigit Outcrop
The outcrop is located at northward of Gunung Manik outcrop. It has around 40 meters in height.
Autochthonous group facies are dominant in the bottom part followed by bioclast-rich limestone upward.
According to log analysis, it belongs to foreslope part which characterized by the occurence of debris
lithoclast with matrix supported. Porosity do not develop well on several petrographic section caused by
dominant matrix composition.
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Figure 3. Gunung Masigit outcrop view
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Figure 4. Sedimentary log of Gunung Masigit outcrop.
Gunung Kencana Outcrop
The outcrop is located at lime quarry. Commonly it is difficult to observe the deformation evidence in
limestone formation caused by dissolution on unstable part but Rajamandala limestone does the opposite.
A complexity of rock deformation is observed. An anticline feature lies along to west-east characterized
by different dip direction apart followed by a number of vertical bedding that may indicate a reverse fault
feature. If we go round the outcrop, we may observe others namely strike slip fault and minor faults (?).
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Figure 5. Gunung Kencana outcrop view showing a complexity of rock deformation.
Stone Garden Outcrop
The outcrop is located at high-topographic karst landform. Pinnacle reef-like contain numerous type of
corals and organism. Branching and head coral supported by laminated algae represent high-energy shallow
marine condition. Large size and angular fragments indicate talus deposit characteristic. A number of
stylolites, fractures, and vuggy pore are also observed indicate that there are strong post diagenetic event
occur. The abundance of these carbonate fractures could lead us to know better about their relationship
toward porosity development.
Recently, it has been transformed into geopark area so that help observer to pass through to the outcrop
location. The existence of this geopark prove that geology’s thing could be enjoyed by anyone not for
geoscientist only. Because of its geology phenomena, we may endorse Stone Garden outcrop as one of
the best geoparks in the worldwide.
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Figure 6. Stone Garden outcrop view; (a) geopark welcome gate, (b) a group of pinnacle reef like
on small scale, (c) braching coral colonies, and (d) stylolite and fracture features.
Rajamandala limestone is preserved well on the several outcrops in Padalarang Area, West Java. It
records good data that can be used for studying more about carbonate. Organism variety and structural
geology influence enrich the carbonate complexity on Rajamandala limestone. More over, on geotourism
point of view it can be good destination for vacation.
· Akbar, F.Z., 2015, Geologi dan Mikrofasies Formasi Rajamandala Daerah Gunung Masigit dan
Sekitarnya. Skripsi (tidak dipublikasikan).
· Harahap, H., B., et al., 2003, Stratigraphic Lexicon of Indonesia, GRDC, Bandung.
· Maryanto, S., 2009, Pendolomitan Batugamping Formasi Rajamandala di Lintasan Gua Pawon,
Bandung Barat. Jurnal Geologi Indonesia, Vol. 4 No.3 p.203-213.
· Sudjatmiko, 2003. Peta Geologi Lembar Cianjur, Jawa, Skala 1:100.000. Pusat Penelitian dan
Pengembangan Geologi, Bandung.
what are you thinking about the rocks behind me? ask me and I will be telling you everything - geologist |
it's a good place, it can either be a tourist site or a field trip. But,
in my mind said "for goodness's sake", what have you been doing?"
because, local people have been destroying it by mining activity to get a
profit. as we know that, limestone is raw material of cement and
residential development has been increasing every year. But, there is no
government policy that stipulates about this problem and penalties for
violator thereby generating a deterrent effect. local people's role were
indispensable to enhance their awareness for environment. I knew that
you've been there but someday you will be bringing your family, your
friends, your couple, your child etc to feast eyes on its nature
landscape and don't just tell them if it have existed. we mustn't
destroy it but protect it because we weren't underdeveloped nations but
educated nations, we have to know the effect that will be happening of
our act. I should posting this article few days ago but I have to hold
on for this explanation because ari and fajri were more understand about
limestone than me. Haha. I welcome if you all would like to contribute in my blog, I appreciate it. See you in my next trip fellaaaas
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